Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bing Gordon's Founder Checklist: Animal Energy, Blind Confidence, And A Toupee.

Editor?s note:?Derek?Andersen?is the founder of?Startup Grind, a 40-city community bringing the global startup world together while educating, inspiring, and connecting entrepreneurs. As an?Electronic Arts’ intern eight years ago, I asked Bing Gordon then the chief creative officer?and the only remaining early founding team member, a question about vision. ?How can I know where the puck is going to be?? While he delivered a satisfactory response, two weeks later I received an email from Bing saying, ?I answered that question poorly a few weeks and I wanted to try again.? A few weeks ago?Bing joined me?at Startup Grind in Silicon Valley where he delivered some videogame history and founder advice. In 2010?Mark Pincus called KPCB general partner Bing Gordon?(look for a bald guy on the front row) one of the world?s ?great CEO coaches? supporting founders on the boards of companies like Amazon, Zynga, Klout, and Zazzle. Here?are some excepts from our recent?interview. Derek: Tell us about your family and where you grew up? BING: So I grew up in a suburb of Detroit.? My dad was a first generation Scotsman and his dad was a janitor.? And he was somebody that believed the grass was always greener and didn?t have, kind of, context or resources.? Thanks, Dad!? We were the first to move in to a subdivision built out of farmlands surrounding Detroit, so I grew up kind of in the creek.? Playing sports with my brother who remembers growing up in the House of Pain. ?So I had a good Midwestern upbringing.? I didn?t work in an office before going to Stanford business school, but I did think I was a pretty damn good teenage caddy. I played hockey and lacrosse at the university level and played both, kind of, for most of my adult life. Derek: What was your plan heading to college? BING: Well I went to Yale thinking I was going to be a math major and a writer, and I got there and Yale was lousy at math and it seemed socially irrelevant, so I kind of became an athlete-near-college-dropout.? I realized I was flunking a third of my classes going into the final.? My proud accomplishments in college other than sports achievements was I wrote poetry.? Kind of light verse, in a coffee shop, and Peter Faulk when he was doing Columbo came, and liked it so much he took me out drinking that


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Earning Extra Money Online From Home | Content for Reprint

Author: Mike Zupp | Total views: 123 Comments: 0
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Are you on a quest to unravel the mystery of how to earn instant online profits? There are all sorts of ways to do this, however the most sure-fire way is most likely by getting involved in Affiliate Marketing.

A normal person can get into Affiliate Marketing using his or her own advertising efforts as an Affiliate to bring people to the Affiliate Vendor's internet site. The Affiliate gets paid a commission when that visitor purchases the Vendor's item. Often, commissions are earned just by the Affiliate entering their name and email address into a Vendors online form!

As soon as you select which item to advertise, you acquire what's called an "affiliate link". This stringy link contains your Affiliate ID so that, when clicked on during the purchase process, the Affiliate Vendor knows to pay you your commission. The most widely known Affiliate Marketing sites are Amazon, Clickbank, Ebay Partner Network and Commission Junction, to name a few. These business have a multitude of products in several niches for your choosing.

Nonetheless, in order to figure out how to earn instant online profits with Affiliate Marketing, you need to know where to take the initial step.

The first move is to choose a niche that you would like to sell in. Ideally, select a specific niche that you are passionate about; a subject that you might be able to discuss all day, since it's easier to advertise things that interest you. Some good examples of prevailing niches are Relationships, E-Business & Marketing and Health & Fitness, to name but a few.

You'll need to google the "Google Keyword Tool" and "Google Trends" to research your niche and product in a strategic, insightful manner. Google Trends will tell you if your niche is still in the mainstream and you can use the Google Keyword Tool to see if your chosen niche keywords are getting a decent amount of search traffic every month.

Next comes your affiliate product selection. Only pick high-grade products whose Vendors can demonstrate their successful sales record. You need that special something that's going to rid your buyer of their pain and solve a huge problem they've been faced with that has kept them up at night worrying!

So now that your niche and product selection process is done, it's time to discover how to earn instant online profits by putting the following handy tips into action:

You can start off by building a product review site. Basically, you summarize the pros and cons of the product in a short article that needs to appear unbiased. Thus, it would be a good idea to actually purchase the item so you can put forward your opinion in a thorough, honest manner. However, in these tough economic times you may have to opt instead for looking around forums and other testimonial sites of your particular product to gather enough information for your review. Always remember to sprinkle your affiliate link throughout your review post, of course!

You can also jump on the social media band wagon by setting up either a Facebook fan page or a tab on your current business page. This should distinctively display your sales item in a monetized fashion or at least bring your fans right to your affiliate sales form.

You've probably heard mention of "squeeze" or "landing" pages before, right? Well, their purpose is to "squeeze" information, like names and email addresses, out of prospects and they can be built right inside Facebook or take the form of a one page website. You then take that assembled information and put it all into an autoresponder system. "AWeber" is an excellent place to open one of these types of accounts. What happens next is that your prospective clients get a series of email messages in their inbox automatically over the course of a week or two. The first emails should be "warm and friendly" since you'll need to build a relationship with your readers to get them to know and like you. After a while, you'll hopefully build up enough trust that your audience will click on your cleverly inserted links in the later emails and end up as paying customers!
Of course, the option is always there to put your affiliate product in the limelight by posting a quick review on your personal blog that contains your affiliate link, of course.

You can also harness the power of YouTube by creating personal video reviews of your affiliate product and uploading them to your YouTube channel. Better still, you can embed the videos into your product review site! This could also increase your search engine ranking, as Google owns YouTube and loves it when videos are featured in blogs.

Another effective approach would be to join online forums that are relevant to your chosen niche. Don't just go in there and start selling your product right away: Instead, participate in conversations and answer questions to help people out, at first. Then, after some time, you can start mentioning your product, showing the forum members how it can solve their problems or meet their needs.

The above pointers are simply a few ideas to illustrate how to earn instant online profits. You can mix and match these different approaches to suit your particular product-and throw in any other new techniques you come across as well, of course!
I hope you obtained some useful insight into the Realm of Affiliate Marketing by reading this. There's nothing to stop you from immediately launching your affiliate product promotion now!

For more information about making money online check out the Instant Online Profits Review. I'm sure you'll be quite impressed with it!

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1: Understanding Online Business Success

Starting a home based business to earn income online takes a significant amount of time and energy upfront to get things going. Not seeing results immediately can be discouraging and cause people to give up too early. In this article, we look at the process of starting a home based business and working through the frustrations to be there when the sales come flowing in.

2: Why You Need To Build Multiple Streams of Income For Yourself

Being an entrepreneur and earning multiple streams of income is a dream that many have, but in reality it does take some initial hard work to achieve this. Earning multiple streams of income is the wave of the future, and here are some tips and advice for you when you are looking for ways in which to do this for yourself.

3: Article Marketing Strategy: Putting Together a "Class Schedule" For Your Article Topics

Businesses go to so much trouble when there is one sure-fire, simple, very inexpensive way to attract new clients to a business: Teach a free class. That is what article marketing is like. Your articles are just like free classes. You teach your target readers something helpful in your article. Your resource box then says, "If you enjoyed this article you can visit my website and apply what you have learned."

4: What is Cyber Marketing And Why It Is So Important For The Success Of Your Website

Cyber marketing has now become an indispensable segment of e-commerce as well as the internet and World Wide Web related topics. Cyber marketing simply refers to a technique of attracting potential customers by advertising your products or services through such means as websites, emails, and banners.

5: The Best Way To Optimise Your Website SEO For Google Panda

If you want your SEO to work you now need to concentrate on appeasing Google Panda, and to do this you need to know what Google Panda's spiders/bots will be looking for. Find out here how to search engine optimise your website for the latest Google Panda algorithm, and achieve the success you deserve.


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    #1 User is offline ? IL2000?

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    Posted Today, 09:04 AM


    @TheRecruitScoop: A source tells me that Malick Kone is transferring out of Rutgers & Ibby Djimde is transferring out of Illinois.

    It begins...


    #2 User is online ? Blessd24?

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    Posted Today, 09:06 AM

    ?IL2000, on 29 March 2013 - 09:04 AM, said:

    This one doesnt bother me.


    #3 User is offline ? feartheillini?

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    Posted Today, 09:11 AM

    To be honest, it does bother me in that Ibby is a guy who's just looking for an education. I know he doesn't help our team, but it would have been nice to get him academic schollies so he could get his UI degree.

    Maybe he should just drop hoops and try to stay at Illinois with some combination of aid.


    #4 User is offline ? BleedOandB11?

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    Posted Today, 09:22 AM

    Good. Get rid of another one of Weber's mistakes.

    I hope he lands on his feet and gets his education but he should never have been offered a basketball scholarship.


    #5 User is online ? illinicalvin?

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    Posted Today, 09:32 AM

    View Postfeartheillini, on 29 March 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

    To be honest, it does bother me in that Ibby is a guy who's just looking for an education. I know he doesn't help our team, but it would have been nice to get him academic schollies so he could get his UI degree.

    Maybe he should just drop hoops and try to stay at Illinois with some combination of aid.

    Do we have any basis for believing the "just for the education" line? B/c I remember hearing that CJ Jackson was just "happy to be on the team," and then he went to the football team, an NAIA school in Hawaii and now he's at his 4th stop in Europe. Obviously, he had more of a drive to play basketball than anyone at Illinois claimed.

    Ibby may want to play basketball, but it's clear Illinois isn't going to be the place regardless. Djimde was a big reach by Weber, a recruit who was taken because there was a present concern on the team with "toughness" and Weber had a sincere desire to damage class balance and stack guys 4-deep on certain depth chart slots.

    I wish him well, but it's probably for the best for both parties.


    #6 User is offline ? Jerry519?

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    Posted Today, 09:33 AM

    The kid never played here---he should transfer where he can.


    #7 User is online ? Tempo34?

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    Posted Today, 09:36 AM

    Wishing him well. Hope he finds a place he can get some court time.


    #8 User is offline ? feartheillini?

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    Posted Today, 09:38 AM

    View Postillinicalvin, on 29 March 2013 - 09:32 AM, said:

    Do we have any basis for believing the "just for the education" line? B/c I remember hearing that CJ Jackson was just "happy to be on the team," and then he went to the football team, an NAIA school in Hawaii and now he's at his 4th stop in Europe. Obviously, he had more of a drive to play basketball than anyone at Illinois claimed.

    Ibby may want to play basketball, but it's clear Illinois isn't going to be the place regardless. Djimde was a big reach by Weber, a recruit who was taken because there was a present concern on the team with "toughness" and Weber had a sincere desire to damage class balance and stack guys 4-deep on certain depth chart slots.

    I wish him well, but it's probably for the best for both parties.

    Good point, I'm just projecting based on blurbs and I shouldn't have done that. Good post.


    #9 User is offline ? Lkdog?

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    Posted Today, 09:52 AM

    View Postfeartheillini, on 29 March 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

    To be honest, it does bother me in that Ibby is a guy who's just looking for an education. I know he doesn't help our team, but it would have been nice to get him academic schollies so he could get his UI degree.

    Maybe he should just drop hoops and try to stay at Illinois with some combination of aid.

    Wish the kid all the best.
    I am confused, though.
    Was Weber and staff under the understanding that he just wanted a degree and all agreed he was not a high D1 player?


    #10 User is offline ? sidra1968?

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    Posted Today, 09:54 AM

    This makes me a bit sad for him, but that is what needed to be done. It'll probably work out just fine for him in the end. I'm sure he'll remember his good times here.

    Good luck Ibby!

    Ultimately what I'll remember about him was when I would have my young niece go over the yearly b-ball poster to learn the guys names before the season started, of course "Ibby" was a favorite!


    #11 User is offline ? Winthiscentury?

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    Posted Today, 09:58 AM

    I really don't think there is going to be the attrition that people think there is going to be. I think that this one was a no brainer. The young man under no circumstances was going to see any court time.

    The others that have been discussed, Henry and Shaw, I don't know. I see Henry staying. Next year, we don't have anybody else like him on our roster, less maybe....Hill? He has to know that as a Junior that has produced, he has a GOLDEN opportunity to take the bull by the balls and be a major, major contributor next year on a team that is going to sorely lack scoring threats, at that position, from the perimeter. Now, he'll have to put the time in and I'm sure Groce is clear about that, but I'd be pretty surprised if Groce was nudging him out the door. The guy has shown that he is a talent, shooting and rebounding the basketball.

    That moves us to Shaw. My issue with him is that he doesn't look overly athletic. That said, with McLauren gone, who else on this roster has the body to at least clear people out. McLauren didn't do much offensively, but he at least cleared space. Isn't that all we'd be looking for out of a guy like Shaw? There is no way that you can leave that job to a Freshman. I don't care what people think of Morgan or Colbert, but you just don't run a legit 6'8" player off the team, who did see some time here and there, in favor of two unproven commodities.

    The wild card is the success this team had. Maybe, just maybe, these kids had fun last year and want to be part of a rebuilding process? Maybe that have relationships with some of the kids coming in? Maybe they like the coaching staff and the school?

    Djimde(sp?), is an out of state guy who it makes sense that he move closer to home to surround himself with family, friends and find a fit. I'm not so sure that the, what will be Juniors next year, are going to be pushed out or will want out. I'm not so sure we all aren't rushing to judgement.


    #12 User is offline ? IL2000?

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    Posted Today, 10:00 AM

    Hardly anyone has mentioned Henry as a transfer possibility. Langford is a way more likely candidate.


    #13 User is offline ? Winthiscentury?

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    Posted Today, 10:03 AM

    View PostLkdog, on 29 March 2013 - 09:52 AM, said:

    Wish the kid all the best.
    I am confused, though.
    Was Weber and staff under the understanding that he just wanted a degree all agreed he was not a high D1 player?

    I think they truly believed that they thought this guy was going to come in and basically do what McClauren did. Get some minutes, provide toughness, be active on both boards and provide a big body that would help them match up better with the MSU's and Wisconsin's of the world.

    Weber was a big fan of going after the under the radar, work-a-holic, all out effort guys. Chester Frazier is his kind of guy and that is the kind of guy he can coach. I think that's what he sees in guys like Ibby, Mike Davis, the kid from Crete, etc...Unfortunately, it doesn't translate real well when putting together a high D-1 program.


    #14 User is offline ? spark mandrill?

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    Posted Today, 10:06 AM

    ?IL2000, on 29 March 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:

    Hardly anyone has mentioned Henry as a transfer possibility. Langford is a way more likely candidate.

    I don't know how realistic it is or was, but Myke Henry has been a prominent name in almost every transfer thread for the past two years.


    #15 User is offline ? Winthiscentury?

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    Posted Today, 10:11 AM

    View PostIL2000, on 29 March 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:

    Hardly anyone has mentioned Henry as a transfer possibility. Langford is a way more likely candidate.

    Again, Langford sat out his Freshman year and redshirted. He still has three years of eligibility. He has a huge opportunity next year as well. Now, if he gets buried on the depth chart next year, I'd put him in the Djimde category after next year, but he had to know his minutes were going to be limited last year given the roster.

    As a reshirt Junior, I'm not sure it's in his best interest to leave. I would think that with Paul, DJ and Griffey all gone, he owes it to himself to give it a real shot next year and then if it doesn't work out, transfer. This team doesn't have a bevvy of proven 6'5'' to 6'7'' swingmen. If it were you, don't you think you would owe it to yourself to give it one big swing of the bat to play on this team, in arguably the best conference in the country, on TV, in front of 16,000 fans, with a known coaching staff, players you have a relationship with, knowing that the possibility still exists that you don't have to go through the whole transfer process and sit out ANOTHER year? Seems to me like it would be worth one more shot.


    #16 User is offline ? Winthiscentury?

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    Posted Today, 10:12 AM

    View Postspark mandrill, on 29 March 2013 - 10:06 AM, said:

    I don't know how realistic it is or was, but Myke Henry has been a prominent name in almost every transfer thread for the past two years.

    That is correct. He was the biggest name, due to the lack of significant playing time.


    #17 User is online ? Tempo34?

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    Posted Today, 10:13 AM

    ?IL2000, on 29 March 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:

    Hardly anyone has mentioned Henry as a transfer possibility. Langford is a way more likely candidate.

    Henry has a big opportunity next year, I don't see him transferring. I kind of hope Langford doesn't either. His length and athleticism still intrigue me. With some court time he could be a player that brings some good defense and fast break opportunities. Also, he's got a younger brother that's supposed to be 5 star quality.


    #18 User is offline ? IL2000?

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    Posted Today, 10:15 AM

    ?Tempo34, on 29 March 2013 - 10:13 AM, said:

    Henry has a big opportunity next year, I don't see him transferring. I kind of hope Langford doesn't either. His length and athleticism still intrigue me. With some court time he could be a player that brings some good defense and fast break opportunities. Also, he's got a younger brother that's supposed to be 5 star quality.

    Agreed. Let Shaw go and keep the rest. That would give us two more scholarships to play with for 5th year guys and 2014s.


    #19 User is offline ? illinifighting?

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    Posted Today, 10:16 AM

    Ibby (along with Henry and Paul) were Big Ten Academic All-American. Weber might have given Ibby a scholarship to help the team GPA. Just a thought.


    #20 User is offline ? jdubbs14?

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    Posted Today, 10:21 AM

    I had heard Ibby was going to graduate next year anyway. But when you don't play but maybe 10 minutes the whole year it is time to go if you want to play somewhere. From what I understand even academic scholorships count toward the basketball team if a player is receiving some kind of aid. I could be wrong.

    I think Shaw leave before Henry as I don't see him playing much next year either. They need at least one more to get the guys they want from the '14 class.


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    LA police ID suspect in girl's abduction case

    RETRANSMITTED FOR TABLET -This undated photo provided by the Los Angeles Police Department on Saturday March 30, 2013 shows Tobias Dustin Summers who was identified as a "child-kidnapping suspect," Los Angeles police said. Summers is a suspect in connection with the abduction of a 10-year-old girl who vanished from her San Fernando Valley home last week and was abandoned hours later in front of a hospital. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Police Department)

    RETRANSMITTED FOR TABLET -This undated photo provided by the Los Angeles Police Department on Saturday March 30, 2013 shows Tobias Dustin Summers who was identified as a "child-kidnapping suspect," Los Angeles police said. Summers is a suspect in connection with the abduction of a 10-year-old girl who vanished from her San Fernando Valley home last week and was abandoned hours later in front of a hospital. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Police Department)

    A vehicle is dusted for prints in the driveway of a home on the 8800 block of Oakdale Avenue near Nordhoff Street Wednesday, March 27, 2013, in Northridge, Calif., where 10-year-old Nicole Ryan disappeared during the night. Los Angeles police say the girl has been located. Sgt. Rudy Lopez says Ryan was apparently spotted by someone who recognized her from information that had been publicized and contacted the Police Department. She was found at midafternoon outside a Starbucks store about six miles from her home. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Mel Melcon)

    (AP) ? Police said Saturday they are looking for a transient in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old girl who was snatched from her San Fernando Valley home before dawn last week and abandoned hours later in front of a hospital.

    Investigators identified 30-year-old Tobias Dustin Summers as a suspect in the case but couldn't elaborate on the motive or what led them to him. Police don't know if the girl was targeted but said they don't believe Summers had a connection to her family.

    "We have no information that the family knew this individual or that the individual knew any members of the family," Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese said.

    About 40 detectives have been working around the clock looking for clues since the girl was abducted from her home Wednesday. She was found hours later, wandering near a Starbucks several miles away.

    The girl was barefoot, had bruises and scratches, and wasn't wearing the same clothes she had on when she vanished. She told the police two men she didn't recognize had taken her from her home.

    Police initially said they were looking for two suspects, but now are focusing their efforts on locating Summers.

    "This is the only person we are looking for right now," Albanese said Saturday.

    Investigators have said they believe the girl was driven around the San Fernando Valley in a couple of cars and taken to at least two locations, including a storage facility, before she was released.

    A passer-by who recognized her picture from media reports saw her outside the Starbucks and called police. The girl had wandered there from the hospital where she had been dropped.

    Summers, who has a distinctive tattoo of a ghoulish face on his right arm, has arrests dating back to 2002, police said. Among them are robbery, grand theft auto, possession of explosives and kidnapping, authorities said.

    Police said they had no details on the prior kidnapping case.

    Summers was released from prison in July on a petty theft conviction as part of a California law designed to ease crowding in state prisons. He also spent six days behind bars in January on a probation violation.

    Summers last checked in with his probation officer at some point earlier this month and had been complying with his release terms, police said. He is known to frequent the area where the kidnapping took place.

    The Los Angeles Times reported that law enforcement sources said the girl was sexually assaulted. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual assault. Summers isn't a registered sex offender, police said.

    Albanese said Summers had been arrested four years ago for investigation of battery that involved child annoyance. Court records show Summers was convicted of battery in September 2009 but the child annoyance charge was either dismissed or not prosecuted.

    Summers has family in Southern California, according to police, and the FBI said it will obtain a warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, if the agency determines he has fled the state.

    Associated Press


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    GE Talked With Dell About Buying Finance Unit - Deal Journal - WSJ

    By Sharon Terlep and Kate Linebaugh

    General Electric Co?s financial services arm talked with Dell Inc. recently about buying the computer maker?s financing unit, though the talks didn?t lead to a deal, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.

    The talks were separate from talks GE has been having with Blackstone Group LP, the private-equity firm that is proposing to take control of Dell, the people said. As part of that plan, Blackstone is considering selling all or part of Dell?s finance business. People familiar with those talks have said GE would be the most likely buyer.



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    Saturday, March 30, 2013

    Tiger Sharks Relationships | Internet dating Tips for Men

    Whenever we step into the world of online relationship it can appear to be we?ve slipped into another universe completely, where we no more communicate with people but with mystery creatures who solely possess a virtual existence.

    However we?re not. We are talking to real individuals and social manners as well as etiquette, including from the dating kind, don?t (or at least shouldn?t) differ therefore greatly from the real-world. Except that we don?t have to worry (yet) about who is going to foot the bill. It?s just two people possessing a chat, getting to know one another and seeing exactly where things will go. That?s not so scary right now, could it be?

    As much as I hate to say it according to contemporary heterosexual relationship rules men, generally, should still take the lead. It?s just the way matters roll. Therefore it could be the case that a few online dating tips for men go a long way, and if you feel just like you need some then you?ve come to the right place!

    1) Show initiative
    Such as real life if you like someone, show this. Not with over the top actions and unwarranted declarations associated with love but through giving attention, showing interest and making that extra special effort. Do not leave it an age to reply to messages and do not be dismissive within your response. Everybody knows that ?I?ve been busy at work? actually means ?I just could not become bothered?.

    2) Time it right
    Once you?ve moved beyond the ?how?s it going? ? stage as well as decided you?d love to take things a step further make your move and ask to meet upward. Do it early enough; do not leave it too long or interest subsides and the ship will sail. Remember online dating is recommended being a platform right into a real partnership, not as an alternative to this.

    3) Allow it to be personal
    Not all people are identical. Take the time to get acquainted with your target and find out who they really are. Do not just lump someone right into a category according to their sexual intercourse, age, origin, occupation and so forth etc . It bugs, and it will get you no place.

    4) This simple
    If you are \ planning your day keep it straightforward and asking someone you?ve not really met to go on the mini-break to Paris is not going to earn any points. A drink is okay, dinner probably. And even an easy walk over the river. Honestly, that?s all it requires.

    5) Help your choice, as well as stay with it
    Shop around online go ahead and, however be subtle regarding it. Ice-breaker kind messages are fine to begin with but once you?ve decided who to choose start drawing attention to your approach appropriately (see ?keep this personal? over! ). Dating in the first stages doesn?t have to be special but it should be thoughtful.

    These types of online dating tips for men are designed to help get a web based relationship on the right track. But most importantly be real, be respectful and become yourself; that?s always the absolute right place to start.

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    Canadian Natural Mama ~ Product Reviews: Saul Good

    That's right.


    This is not your regular grocery store fruit basket delivery.

    ? Seriously.

    It is so far from it it's not even funny.

    Have you ever been the recipient of a gift basket?

    Have you ever GIVEN a gift basket?

    What's SO cool about Saul Good, is that not only are the products gourmet, but they are all LOCAL to Vancouver and the surrounding BC area. Yep, that's right. LOCAL. So not only are you giving an awesome gift that isn't just going to sit on a shelf, but you are supporting a ton of different local companies all at once.

    Saul Good also partners up with organizations that are working towards improving people's lives.

    Love that!

    " For products that are made here but sourced from other places, our coffee gift baskets being a prime example, we make sure that the entire chain of supply is fair trade. You can be sure that everyone who was involved in our gift baskets are being treated fairly and that we are continually working to make our company, as well as our gift boxes, as environmentally sound as possible."

    Why do more companies not have those standards?

    There are more than a few "baskets" to choose from:

    Which one sounds like something you would be interested in?

    Each heading also has a selection of options within, so you are guaranteed to find something in your price range to suit your needs.

    I, myself, received a sample box, and it was too beautiful for me to even really SAMPLE at first.

    It took me an entire week to even really open anything.

    Does that sound lame?
    You have to see the quality of these boxes.

    The box itself is made of 100% recycled materials and wrapped in plain, brown paper and is not only solid, but ultra-cool, AND re-usable as well.


    How cool is that!?



    Like, I said.

    I could not even eat anything at first.

    The presentation of this gift box was just so amazing.

    However, I caved, and the very first thing I tried was the Wendy Boys Vanilla Salt Caramels.


    Who can resist chocolate anyways!?

    ?Vanilla, Salted Caramel, Peanut butter and milk chocolate.


    And packaged sweetly in the cutest little cardboard box stamped with Saul Good Gift Co.?

    (as you can see pictured in the bottom right)

    Up next was the Pretzel Nut Mix covered in Caramel Sauce by Wendy Boys.

    My family is full of big pretzel lovers.

    These pretzels were unlike anything we had tried before.

    Sweet, salty AND spicy.


    Milk Chocolate Covered Caramelized Pistachios by Beta 5 Chocolate.

    Cannot say that I have EVER seen chocolate covered pistachios before.?

    They were a HIT.

    A pen was also included, made from 100% recycled plastic packaging, and printed with Saul Good's logo.

    Thanks guys! I actually really needed a pen for my bag, and now that I have one, I can brag about your awesome company wherever I go.

    Definitely a winning gift basket if I have ever seen one.

    Seriously, NOTHING to be thrown out or forgotten.

    If this was just a SAMPLING, I would be amazed to see the full-sized baskets.

    Like this one...

    Have someone visiting from out of town this year? Planning on showing them around town? Why not provide them with an awesome gift box to give them a real taste of Vancouver, too.

    ?Key to Vancouver.

    "There are no platitudes lofty enough to describe the products that make up ?The Key to Vancouver.? Alas, we must rely on clich?? this is the best of the best, not to mention the biggest. It is the cream skimmed off the top of our finest collection of savoury snacks and delicate confections. It is the spare-no-expense-OMG-wow-just-wow gift created to communicate to your colleagues and clients just how incredibly special and important they are to you and your business."

    Cannot really say it any better than that.
    Vancouver really is filled with an amazing array of beautiful little shops and eateries.
    This gift box, is just a sampling of what our beautiful city has to offer.
    Really, it would be impossible to fit EVERYTHING in, but Saul sure has given it his best effort and I am truly impressed.

    ?What about:

    ?When I had an office job, I wish that we would have had snacks like THESE in our lunchroom.

    The Corner Office Party Includes:

    • Pretzel Nut Mix with Caramel Sauce, 100g by Cocolico,?Vancouver, BC
    • Hand-cut Heirloom Tomato Salsa by Vista D?oro Farms,?South Langley, BC
    • Organic Tomato Tortilla Chips by Hippie Chips, Burnaby,?BC
    • Asian Sesame Almonds by Dave + Friends, Burnaby, BC
    • Organic Pineapple by Level Ground, Victoria, BC
    • Vanilla Salt Caramels, 2pc by Cocolico, Vancouver, BC
    • Dark Chocolate & Cocoa Okanagan Cherries, 160g by?BETA 5, Vancouver, BC
    • White Chocolate Covered Blueberries, 120g by BETA 5,?Vancouver, BC
    • Peanut Butter Cookies by Kitcheing & Co, Surrey, BC
    • Chocolate Ginger Cookies by Kitcheing & Co, Surrey, BC
    • Dark Chocolate Covered Sponge Toffee, Cocolico by?Wendy Boys, Vancouver, BC
    • Hand-made Poppycock by Cocolico, Vancouver, BC
    • Butter Salt Caramels, 12pc by Cocolico, Vancouver, BC

    Yummm!!! What a great gift to give someone with a new job, or promotion.

    New office, new Saul Good box. Yep. The two really do go hand in hand. The best thing about these snacks, is that you know that they are quality. All items have had to pass Saul Good's strict guidelines and rules in order to even be included.?

    Snacks that you can feel good about in this day in age, are snacks that are GOOD with me!?

    No need to worry about over processed JUNK here.

    Saul Good not only offers food incorporated boxes but also really cool options PERFECT for real estate agents, or for friends/family that have just moved.

    Welcome Home Gift Baskets.

    Seven awesome gift baskets in various price ranges, all filled to the brim with amazing products.

    From cleaning products, to metal water bottles, to reusable snack wraps, to notebooks these baskets have anything you might need... and MORE.

    For example:

    Cucumber All Purpose Cleaning Spray

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Mint + Eucalyptus Window & Glass Cleaner

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Sea Minerals Hand Wash

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Remarkable Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloth

    - AspenClean, North Vancouver, BC
    Sea Minerals Hand Wash Refill

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Free + Clear Laundry Liquid Pump, 25 loads

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Lil' Bowl Blu Toilet Bowl Cleaner

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Clementine Dish Pump

    - Method, San Francisco, CA
    Smarty Dishwasher Detergent Tabs

    - Method, San Francisco, CA

    I would have flipped with excitement if we had have received a basket like that when we moved into our new home two years ago. It's totally the little things like that, that really help show you care.

    A gift AND eco friendly products.?

    So cool!?

    Now that is a house-warming basket, hey!?

    Perfect for Mother's Day, new baby, birthday gift, or just because.

    Organic Shea Butter Hand Balm,1/2oz Travel Tin

    - Kama Soap, Saltspring Island, BC
    Organic Shea Butter Foot Balm,1/2oz Travel Tin

    - Kama Soap, Saltspring Island, BC
    All Good Lips, Organic Lip Balm

    - Elemental Herbs, USA
    Lavender Mineral Bath

    - Kama Soap, Saltspring Island, BC
    Lime & Lavender Bar Soap

    - Kama Soap, Saltspring Island, BC
    Natural Sea Sponge

    - Urban Spa, Toronto, ON
    Bamboo Bristled Nail Brush

    - Urban Spa, Toronto, ON
    Volcanic Pumice Stone

    - Urban Spa, Toronto, ON
    Mint Tea Hand & Body Wash

    - Naked Soapworks, Bowen Island, BC
    Beeswax Votive Candle

    - Queen Bee Candle Company, Vancouver, BC
    All Good Goop, Organic Healing Balm

    - Elemental Herbs, USA
    Brown Sugar Face Scrub

    - Naked Soapworks, Bowen Island, BC
    Ojai Massage Oil

    - Naked Soapworks, Bowen Island, BC

    ?Now those are some amazing products.

    ? I just love the little extras and care that goes into hand selecting each item and packaging each SO carefully and creatively.?

    The attention to detail is amazing.

    You can tell that each box is packaged with care, and love by someone that really cares about what they do, and what their company stands for.

    Every filler is 100% recycled, from the beautiful paper shreddings, to the cardboard boxes themselves, to the brown paper the whole thing is wrapped in.

    I never thought 100% recycled could look so GOOD.

    Don't see a gift box that suits your needs?

    Contact Saul Good, and see if they are able to make it happen.

    ?or simply call:


    Thank you Saul Good? for providing us with an awesome taste of Vancouver!

    Check them out:


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    GDC 2013: Live Streaming API Coming To Games Courtesy Of ...

    Gamers love watching other people play games. It?s the only way to explain of popularity of Let?s Plays and live streams on YouTube, and other sites. The only problem is that those who do live streams must have video capture equipment or software thus preventing a number of players from broadcasting their exploits.

    At GDC 2013, YouTube announced its intentions to change all that with a new API that allows game developers to integrate YouTube live streaming into their games. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 proved the API?s popularity last year when the game allowed players to live-stream matches without the use of any third-party program.

    YouTube isn?t reserving live-streaming capabilities just for the hardcore crowd eiher. The API will be available to iOS and Android developers soon so mobile gamers can start sharing their screen with the world in real time.

    An interesting aspect of the new API is that YouTube may be helping content creators monetize their streams. There are tools in the API that would allow live-streamers to drop ads in the middle of their stream. It?s unknown if the live streamer would actually be able to make money off of their content though. Some publishers have rules in regards to monetization of in-game video so those rules may be left up to them.

    These APIs come at a time when YouTube faces stiff competition from other established, and more gamer centric, live streaming services like Twitch still requires extra software or hardware to stream, however, so YouTube?s APIs may just help bring more streamers and viewers to its side.

    [h/t: The Verge]


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