Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Diving in from the fringes | Support for Special Needs

I?ve spent a decade on the fringes of this community. I?ve read special needs parenting blogs, led IEP meetings in English and Spanish, trained special education teachers, and designed church programs to include families affected by disability. A couple months ago, I even wrote a post here about disability and faith.

But at the end of the day, I could choose to disengage from the world of disability if I wanted to. Sure, a couple of chronic health conditions remind me that I?m not fully in the community not affected by disability, but on good days I can even forget about those diagnoses.

I can go to a park with my kids and not look for ramps or other measures of handicapped accessibility, like I did yesterday.

I can visit a church for my nephew?s baptism without worrying much about how my children will respond to that new environment, like I did a couple weeks ago.

And at times, though I?m ashamed to admit it, I can ignore it when people throw around the r-word and other hurtful words to the disability community because it?s not as personal to me as it is for the parent of a child with special needs.

Or at least I could do all those things. My world is about to change. In a few months, we?ll be formally ushered from the fringes of this community by a little girl named Zoe Amanda when she becomes our daughter.

She lives in a children?s home in Taiwan. She was born in October 2011 at 30 weeks gestation ? ten weeks early ? to a single teenage mom who couldn?t care for her. She has several small areas of periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) in her brain. Three leading pediatric neurologists in the US agree that her eventual diagnosis will be cerebral palsy. She was exposed to alcohol in the womb as well, though she doesn?t have any diagnosis of FAS/FASD at this point.

Knowing that we were planning to adopt a child with special needs at some point and knowing that I often advocate for adoption on my disability ministry blog, a friend of mine contacted us about Zoe Amanda?s need for a family. We thought it was crazy to consider because the timing and her age and her country of birth and so many other factors were different from what we planned. Despite those reservations, we agreed to pray about it because our Christian theology affirms the importance of adoption and the value of people with disabilities. And after a few days of praying for her, we realized that we were no longer praying for an orphaned baby girl on the other side of the world.

We were praying for our daughter.

So now after a decade on the fringes of this community, we?re all in. I?ll be blogging about our adoption journey here once a month. And I?d love to learn from y?all. I know we?re na?ve about some of the changes our family will face. I?m sure we?ll feel ill-prepared at times regardless of how much advice we get, but I?d love any you have to offer.

So if you were me ? a young wife and mom with a five-year-old daughter and a three-year-old son who will go to Taiwan with her husband in early summer 2012 to bring Zoe Amanda home ? what would you need to know to be ready? In other words, what do you wish you knew before you became the parent of a child with special needs??


When she?s not researching all things Taiwan and CP in preparation for their adoption, Shannon Dingle is the mom to two young children, Robbie and Jocelyn, and the co-coordinator ? with her husband Lee ? of Access Ministry, the special needs ministry of Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. She writes TheWorksofGodDisplayed.com?(and tweets about it here) to equip churches to welcome all the people of God, and she blogs about family and faith and life in general at Dinglefest.com.

Want to get more out of our site? Join our community!

Source: http://supportforspecialneeds.com/2012/03/13/diving-in-from-the-fringes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=diving-in-from-the-fringes

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Officials: Judge stabbed, officer shot in Washington state

By Phil Gast and Deanna Proeller, CNN

updated 8:46 PM EST, Fri March 9, 2012

Officers take cover outside the courthouse after the stabbing and shooting incident in Montesano, Washington.


  • Both of the wounded are in satisfactory condition
  • A judge and an officer were wounded at a courthouse in Montesano, Washington
  • Authorities scour neighborhood for suspect

(CNN) -- Officers from multiple agencies in western Washington state were looking for a suspect who fled a courthouse Friday after allegedly shooting a female officer and stabbing a judge who came to her assistance, officials said.

Undersheriff Rick Scott said the man gave his name as Michael Thomas when the officer approached him shortly after noon inside the Grays Harbor County Courthouse in Montesano.

"He attacked her with a sharp-edged instrument," Scott said. "The judge came to her aid. She attempted to draw her weapon" but the suspect fired twice, hitting her in shoulder. The judge was stabbed in the neck.

Superior Court Judge David Edwards and officer Polly Davin were in satisfactory condition at Grays Harbor Community Hospital, spokesman David Quigg said.

"They are comfortable and doing well," said Quigg, declining to detail the extent of their injuries.

The suspect was still on the loose, Scott told CNN.

CNN Seattle affiliate KIRO aired footage of officers in a residential neighborhood in Montesano.

"They believe he could be in a location in the area," said Trooper Russ Winger, a spokesman for the Washington State Patrol. "They believe he is armed."

Scott said officials were not certain of the suspect's true identity.

The incident occurred in Montesano, the county seat for Grays Harbor County, west of Olympia and near the Pacific Coast. Many offices and buildings were placed in lockdown.

According to KIRO, a man garnered the attention of courthouse employees and the officer approached him.

The suspect was well-dressed and possibly carrying a briefcase, Winger said.

Montesano Police did not immediately return phone messages seeking comment.

Gov. Chris Gregoire appointed Edwards to the bench in December 2007.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/09/justice/washington-courthouse-incident/index.html?eref=rss_latest

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Friday, March 9, 2012

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Source: http://rock-n-rollrealestateagent.com/do-realtors-handle-rental-properties/

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

N. Korea makes progress on reactor: images

North Korea has made progress in recent months on a home-built reactor that experts fear could be used to bolster the communist state's nuclear weapons program, satellite images showed.

The images, released this week by a private Washington-based think-tank, were taken on February 3, nearly a month before February's surprise nuclear deal between North Korea and the United States.

The images of the Yongbyon nuclear site showed that the new light-water reactor's outside building appeared to be complete. Earlier pictures taken in September showed that it was still under construction.

However, the dome remained on the ground, indicating that the reactor was not yet operational.

"The most significant part is that construction is continuing," said Paul Brannan, a senior research analyst at the Institute for Science and International Security, which released the images.

"In North Korea, projects can sometimes go in fits and starts, so to see any progress tells you something," he said Tuesday.

North Korea first disclosed construction on a new reactor in 2010 to visiting US scientists and also showed them a uranium enrichment plant that was said to produce low-enriched fuel for the new facility.

While both were ostensibly for civilian power, the enrichment plant could be converted to produce highly enriched uranium for bombs. Scientists say that the light water reactor could also be run to produce plutonium.

North Korea, whose nuclear program is based on plutonium, has tested two nuclear bombs.

Under the February 29 agreement, North Korea agreed to a new halt in uranium enrichment along with nuclear and missile tests and to allow back UN inspectors. The United States said it would give North Korea some 240,000 tonnes of badly needed food aid.

North Korea said that the United States agreed to consider providing light-water reactors, a step Washington says would only come as part of new full-fledged six-nation talks on permanently ending the North's nuclear program.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-makes-progress-reactor-images-183639115.html

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Terror indictment unveiled for Norway massacre

OSLO, Norway (AP) ? Norwegian prosecutors on Wednesday indicted Anders Behring Breivik on terror and murder charges for slaying 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage but said the confessed mass killer likely won't go to prison for the country's worst peacetime massacre.

Prosecutors said they consider the 33-year-old right-wing extremist psychotic and will seek a sentence of involuntary commitment to psychiatric care instead of imprisonment unless new information about his mental health emerges during the trial set to start in April.

As expected, they charged him under a paragraph in Norway's anti-terror law that refers to violent acts intended to disrupt key government functions or spread fears in the population.

Breivik has confessed to the July 22 attacks but denies criminal guilt, portraying the victims as "traitors" for embracing immigration policies he claims will result in an Islamic colonization of Norway.

Eight people were killed when a bomb exploded in downtown Oslo and another 69 people died in a shooting spree on Utoya island outside the capital, where the youth wing of the governing Labor Party was holding its annual summer camp.

Reading from the indictment, prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh said 34 of the victims at Utoya were between 14 and 17 years old, 22 were aged 18-20, six were between 21 and 25 and seven were older than 25.

She said 67 died of gunshot wounds, and two died of fall injuries or drowning. In addition, 33 people were wounded by bullets, but survived.

Police spokesman Tore Jo Nielsen told Norwegian broadcaster NRK outside Ila prison in Oslo that Breivik had been "totally calm" when he was read the charges.

The terror charges carry a maximum penalty of 21 years in prison but prosecutors are working under the assumption that Breivik is legally insane and therefore unfit for prison. However, they said that this assessment could change during the trial.

A second, court-ordered psychiatric evaluation of Breivik is ongoing after an initial review, which concluded he was a paranoid schizophrenic, met widespread criticism. Some experts questioned whether someone suffering from a grave mental illness would be capable of carrying out attacks requiring such meticulous preparation.

Breivik himself rejected the diagnosis. He also rejects the authority of the Norwegian legal system, calling it a tool of the left-leaning elites he claims have betrayed the country.

Investigators haven't found any indications to support Breivik's claims that he belongs to a secret anti-Muslim resistance movement plotting to overthrow European governments and replace them with "patriotic" regimes.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/terror-indictment-unveiled-norway-massacre-112807781.html

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fed likely to take wait-and-see stance next week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If you expect the Federal Reserve to launch another round of bond buying to stimulate growth at its meeting next week, you're almost certain to be disappointed.

Similarly, if you think the Fed will declare that recent gains in the job market mean it's time to throttle back its extraordinary support for the recovery, you're also probably off base.

Fresh off the decision in January to extend its promise on zero interest rates through late 2014, the U.S. central bank is keeping its options open on further bond buying, and it isn't expected to take any policy action at its meeting next Tuesday.

"They're in wait-and-see mode," said Michelle Meyer, an economist for Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has made clear in four appearances since his post-Fed meeting news conference on January 25 that while the economic outlook has brightened a bit, the economy is far from roaring back.

But he also disappointed many in financial markets by giving no clear indication that he plans to push for another round of asset purchases, or quantitative easing, in a bid to spur faster growth.

The central bank cut overnight rates to near zero in December 2008 and has bought $2.3 trillion in securities to push down other borrowing costs and spur the economy.

In what some officials have termed a further effort to push down longer-term interest rates, it said after its January 24-25 meeting that it would likely keep short-term rates near zero for a year-and-a-half longer than it had previously suggested.

At his news conference, Bernanke also signaled that further bond buying remained an option if the recovery faltered.

But many policy makers feel the Fed has largely done what it can, and the appetite for more bond buying, barring a deterioration in an already sluggish pace of growth, appears low.

"There would have to be a significant change to my outlook to change my position on policy at this time," Sandra Pianalto, the president of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank, said last week. Pianalto is a voter on the Fed's policy panel this year and is considered in step with the mainstream at the central bank.

Fed officials in January projected the economy would expand by a modest 2.2 percent to 2.7 percent in 2012, and the jobless rate would settle between 8.2 percent and 8.5 percent by the end of the year.

While the unemployment rate fell to 8.3 percent in January - marking a sharp 0.8 percentage point decline since August - growth is still subdued, and policymakers at the central bank are not convinced labor market trends will be sustained.

"Continued improvement in the job market is likely to require stronger growth in final demand and production," Bernanke told Congress.

But even if the jobless rate levels off, it is not clear growth is weak enough to push Fed officials to act, given their already tepid expectations for the pace of the economy's recovery.

The Fed will get important information bearing on the outlook on Friday when the Labor Department issues its monthly jobs report.

If the payrolls report for February falls in line with consensus projections of 210,000 new jobs and a steady unemployment rate, the economy would be seen as following the same maddeningly plodding path to full recovery it has been on - that is, enough to keep the Fed on the sidelines but the option of further easing on the table.

Economists believe the central bank will need several more months of data to determine whether the recovery's trajectory is durable.

Many continue to believe the Fed will eventually be forced to buy more bonds to ensure progress in reducing unemployment and to keep at bay any risk of a troubling deflation.

"The Fed's core policy makers ... have sounded dovish in almost every public utterance," Vincent Reinhart, a Morgan Stanley economist and former Fed chief of staff, wrote to clients. "On balance, the logic for additional Fed action still seems compelling."

(Reporting by Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Leslie Adler)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fed-likely-wait-see-stance-next-week-234818407.html

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Internet Marketing For Online Businesses ? 4 Free Powerful ...

Internet marketing for online businesses comprises a wide variety of marketing methods, strategies and techniques that you can use to brand, market and sell your products or services. Marketing online is not easy however, it is so simple to learn. I personally am a great fan off all the free marketing methods which are extremely powerful, effective and residual. Why? Because whatever it is that you post online to market your online business, it will remain on the internet for as long as is exists, which is probably forever. Let me share with you some free methods that I use as well that are driving truckloads of visitors to my website.

Internet Marketing For Online Businesses ? 4 Free Powerful Marketing Methods

1. Video MarketingInternet Marketing for online businesses begins with video marketing. An extremely powerful marketing method which can drive a ton of (targeted) traffic to your website within just a few days.

Google, as well as people, absolutely love videos. The concept is simple. Find some hot blazing keywords relating to your business and produce a video about it. Keep the video short and informative. A good video is approximately 3-4 minutes. Use the keyword phrase for the title of your video and upload it to a bunch of video websites like YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe etc?. In the description box you want to include the keyword phrase and a link back to your website or blog. The same keywords or phrase should also be in the tags line, plus a few others that are related to the subject.


2. Article Marketing

Marketing you internet businesses online by means of writing and posting articles is another effective method to promote your products or services. Just like with the videos, find some good business related keywords or phrases and write an article about it, just like I am doing now. Make sure to include the keywords and phrases a couple of times and at the end of your article include a link back to your website. Once you are satisfied with your article you can post it to article websites. I personally use EzineArticles, simply because they are the largest article site and Google indexes EzineArticles every 24 hours. Internet marketing for online businesses through article marketing will seriously boost the number of people visiting your website, provided you have effectively used the keywords and/or phrase.

3. Blogging

I don?t know why it is that people are saying: ?Blogging is a thing of the past?. This is far from the truth! Blogging can be extremely powerful and is a great marketing method to narrow down your niche and attract followers. Start a blog about your business or something related to the products or services that you are offering. Post things that are informative and interesting to your audience. Another good idea is to engage into other peoples blogs and mingle with other visitors to share knowledge and information. Start following other bloggers.

4. Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are growing at the speed of light. Internet marketing for online businesses through social media should be dealt with in a delicate manner. Remember, it is social media so never ever market your business directly on these sites. Find like minded people by posting information that is helpful, useful or funny. You could post a link to a video you made or an article that you wrote. What also helps a great deal is to create some business pages on Facebook. (A module within FB, developed especially for the promotion of products, services or causes).

The above described marketing methods for online businesses are absolutely free. The objective of article marketing and video marketing is to get ranked number one in the search engines. This can be easily achieved if you do your keyword research properly. Don?t just start typing or video-ing away. First, find keywords or phrases with a high Keyword Effectiveness Index and not so much competition. There are several tools on the internet which can do this for you. Wordtracker is in my opinion the best option but you will have to pay a monthly or yearly fee.

Keyword research and analysis is the foundation of all online marketing and when implemented effectively, it will get your stuff number one rankings in the search results. To learn this and all of the other 50 plus marketing methods, click now internet marketing for online businesses, fill out the form and watch the video on the next page to receive all the information you need to become an online success story!

Mike is an Online Marketing Coach and a Corporate Trainer for what is named ?


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So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it?s too late!

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Source: http://www.a1article.net/internet/internet-marketing-for-online-businesses-4-free-powerful-marketing-methods-6815.html

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The Truth About Prostate Cancer Cures | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Every year, in the United States alone, around 185,000 men are diagnosed with some degree of prostate cancer. These new patients are in addition to the approximately five million previously diagnosed with the disease.

About 28,000 of those five million die each year. Therefore, the number of men with prostate cancer in the USA is rising each year, although some patients are ?completely cured? as well. The question is: what does ?completely cured mean??

In an article of this size, we can just mention, but not discuss in depth, the items brought up. These conclusions; are also my own, although I have reached them after conducting my own research.

However, I am not a doctor so it is possible that I have made errors of interpretation. If you are interested by the subject of this piece, please do your own research or and ask your physician.

This first thing to point out is that prostate cancer is a cancer and all cancers are very dangerous. That is obvious, but it needed saying. There is no cure for the thing we call cancer, whether it be cancer of the gums, cancer of the skin or prostate cancer.

You cannot go into a chemist?s, a medical doctor?s surgery or even an operating room with cancer and walk out entirely cured. Having said that people do survive cancers and one of the easiest to overcome is prostate cancer. However, it should be reiterated that there is no one complete cure.

There are several methods of treating prostate cancer and halting or slowing the growth of the cancer normally depends on a combination of treatments. Luckily for men, prostate cancer is one of the slowest growing cancers, particularly in the early phases.

It is necessary to catch cancer in the early stages, If doctors are to have a good chance of beating it. However, ?beating it? in this perspective means giving the patient a reasonable likelihood of living another five years outside hospital.

Prostate cancer is one of the easier ones to treat and about 90% (some state 98%) of patients will live for more than 10 years after treatment. As many men who get the illness are getting on anyway (60-70 years old), this puts them in the bracket where they would most likely die of something after 10 years anyway.

This reasons for this 10 year period of good health is referred to by some people as a cure, but all doctors advise their patients to keep having regular check-ups, because you never can tell with cancer ? it might come back again.

Doctors can kill cancerous cells or cut them out, but they do not know why they grow in the first place, so they cannot stop them returning. In this regard, there is no cure just surgery. You are not able to take a tablet to make it go away like you are able to with a toothache.

However, there have been excellent advances in prostate cancer treatments and it may not be long before further advances are made and once they have found out how to cure one cancer, perhaps the ideas and methods can be used on other cancers as well.

Owen Jones, the writer of this piece, writes on a variety of subjects, but is now involved with natural cures for prostate cancer. If you want to know more go to What is the Treatment for Prostate Cancer?

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/03/05/the-truth-about-prostate-cancer-cures/

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The future of plant science: A technology perspective

ScienceDaily (Mar. 2, 2012) ? Plant science is key to addressing the major challenges facing humanity in the 21st Century, according to Carnegie's David Ehrhardt and Wolf Frommer. In a Perspective published in The Plant Cell, the two researchers argue that the development of new technology is key to transforming plant biology in order to meet human needs.

Plants serve as the conduit of energy into the biosphere, provide food and materials used by humans, and they shape our environment. According to Ehrhardt and Frommer, the three major challenges facing humanity in our time are food, energy, and environmental degradation. All three are plant related.

All of our food is produced by plants, either directly or indirectly via animals that eat them. Plants are a source of energy production. And they are intimately involved in climate change and a major factor in a variety of environmental concerns, including agricultural expansion and its impact on habitat destruction and waterway pollution.

What's more, none of these issues are independent of each other. Climate change places additional stresses on the food supply and on various habitats. So plant research is instrumental in addressing all of these problems and moving into the future. For plant research to move significantly forward, Ehrhardt and Frommer say technological development is critical, both to test existing hypotheses and to gain new information and generate fresh hypotheses. If we are to make headway in understanding how these essential organisms function and build the foundation for a sustainable future, then we need to apply the most advanced technologies available to the study of plant life, they say.

They divide the technology into three categories: existing technology that isn't being applied for all of its potential uses; new, readily envisioned technology; and technology we'd like to have, but don't know how to create.

The technological overview includes expanding existing technologies such as DNA sequencing, RNA cataloguing, mass spectroscopy, fluorescence-based microscopy, and electron microscopy, among many others. A key focus is on the advances possible through advanced imaging technologies.

Ehrhardt and Frommer point out that many of the most often-cited academic papers related to the development new technology, demonstrating the interest of the scientific community. "We certainly expect that new technologies will continue to revolutionize biological research," they say. "Plant science has not often been the driver of innovation but often enough has profited from developments made in other areas."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Carnegie Institution.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. D. W. Ehrhardt, W. B. Frommer. New Technologies for 21st Century Plant Science. The Plant Cell, 2012; DOI: 10.1105/tpc.111.093302

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/PaUDETLj2EA/120302201831.htm

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Indispensable Details For First Birthday Party Ideas ...

Latosha L. D. Rivers - As busy moms, we are usually on the lookout for first birthday ideas that are resourceful and exciting but simple to approach and get ready. When all birthdays are very important, several are as monumental as your child's first, so certainly you wish to honor this accomplishment that has a party. Organizing a gathering to get a one particular year outdated may be mind-boggling, and this tension doubles when you are the mother or father of twins. Many people will agree that twins may be demanding, especially in the first year, so celebrating their first birthday can be a like recognizing a milestone - you survived, plus the party should be to suit your needs along with in your infants. So, allow it to be effortless on yourself and keep it simple. You don't ought to commit the day managing close to attending to many particulars if you will probably be busy good enough trying to keep up together with your two fired up very little types. While you have possibly learned more than the previous twelve months, simplicity is bliss, so host the party in the home, keep the meals and decorations uncomplicated, go to with family and friends, and consider the time to enjoy the celebration. Moms of twins often experience the dilemma of trying to approach a joint party although still recognizing the individual personalities of each boy or girl. Considering that they won't keep in mind their round cribs, it is not necessary to have individual celebrations; but, there are methods for making each twin feel specific although building it a lot easier and less difficult to suit your needs. Make them their particular very little cake or cupcake. You could allow them select the taste or design and style, or keep it theme related, but it surely is vital that there is a cake for every highchair tray and their particular candle to blow out. You could even choose to sing Pleased Birthday to each twin independently in order that they feel extraordinary and unique photographs may be taken. For anyone who is selecting a theme in your party, it's simple to allow for each twin to precise their character and choices with no creating a number of further do the job for yourself. You could completely transform your party area into a Sesame Avenue scene and permit each boy or girl to pick a personality that you just can assemble into the simple decorations. Including several Elmo and big Bird equipment will personalize the party for every twin although still holding that has a solitary theme. Host a Noah's Ark party and include each baby's favourite animal, or develop a bug conservatory and permit your children to pick their favourite bugs this kind of for a ladybug, butterfly, or bumble bee. Recall to generate individual stations for reward opening and cake consuming. It only takes several further minutes to brighten two highchairs or make two birthday banners, but it surely will go a protracted way in aiding you host an individual party with no sacrificing the individuality of your twins. Certainly, you are able to acquire some excellent invites that may do the job just very good, but for very little do the job, you are able to generate invites that may be appreciated by family and friends. Right after all, the sole issue cuter than one particular little one is two infants. Twins are adorable, and that has a digicam and some simple computer software, you are able to design and style priceless invites that are distinctive and unforgettable. For anyone who is web hosting a ballerina themed party, snap a picture of your very little darlings wearing pink tutus, or welcome guests to some tea party by creating a postcard featuring your daughters wearing vintage outfits. Wrap your sons in superhero capes, or sit them in large resource containers. Encompass them with their favourite toys, seize them kissing the family pet, or just consider a candid photo and gown it up with some fancy clipart. And, when you are involved with regard to the individuality or are doing the job with contrasting themes, develop a two-sided invitation, gown your twins in different shades, or design and style a scene exactly where the prince is rescuing the princess or perhaps the Bob the Builder is building repairs on Dora's home. No matter whether or not you end up picking to acquire your invites observe a theme, why acquire generic options if you can exhibit the celebs of your indicate? There are actually a lot of excellent baby photo contest that do the job for twins. If you want something swift and straightforward, simply go together with a pink or blue theme, or each if your twins are not the exact same gender. Babies like dazzling shades so you seriously don't need to commit loads of time and cash on fancy decorations each time a several balloons and streamers will do the job just very good. For further influence, make sure anything, from your meals into the outfits into the tableware, suits your shade scheme.


Latosha L. D. Rivers ? As busy moms, we are usually on the lookout for first birthday ideas that are resourceful and exciting but simple to approach and get ready. When all birthdays are very important, several are as monumental as your child?s first, so certainly you wish to honor this accomplishment that has a party. Organizing a gathering to get a one particular year outdated may be mind-boggling, and this tension doubles when you are the mother or father of twins. Many people will agree that twins may be demanding, especially in the first year, so celebrating their first birthday can be a like recognizing a milestone ? you survived, plus the party should be to suit your needs along with in your infants. So, allow it to be effortless on yourself and keep it simple. You don?t ought to commit the day managing close to attending to many particulars if you will probably be busy good enough trying to keep up together with your two fired up very little types. While you have possibly learned more than the previous twelve months, simplicity is bliss, so host the party in the home, keep the meals and decorations uncomplicated, go to with family and friends, and consider the time to enjoy the celebration. Moms of twins often experience the dilemma of trying to approach a joint party although still recognizing the individual personalities of each boy or girl. Considering that they won?t keep in mind their round cribs, it is not necessary to have individual celebrations; but, there are methods for making each twin feel specific although building it a lot easier and less difficult to suit your needs. Make them their particular very little cake or cupcake. You could allow them select the taste or design and style, or keep it theme related, but it surely is vital that there is a cake for every highchair tray and their particular candle to blow out. You could even choose to sing Pleased Birthday to each twin independently in order that they feel extraordinary and unique photographs may be taken.

For anyone who is selecting a theme in your party, it?s simple to allow for each twin to precise their character and choices with no creating a number of further do the job for yourself. You could completely transform your party area into a Sesame Avenue scene and permit each boy or girl to pick a personality that you just can assemble into the simple decorations. Including several Elmo and big Bird equipment will personalize the party for every twin although still holding that has a solitary theme. Host a Noah?s Ark party and include each baby?s favourite animal, or develop a bug conservatory and permit your children to pick their favourite bugs this kind of for a ladybug, butterfly, or bumble bee. Recall to generate individual stations for reward opening and cake consuming. It only takes several further minutes to brighten two highchairs or make two birthday banners, but it surely will go a protracted way in aiding you host an individual party with no sacrificing the individuality of your twins. Certainly, you are able to acquire some excellent invites that may do the job just very good, but for very little do the job, you are able to generate invites that may be appreciated by family and friends. Right after all, the sole issue cuter than one particular little one is two infants. Twins are adorable, and that has a digicam and some simple computer software, you are able to design and style priceless invites that are distinctive and unforgettable. For anyone who is web hosting a ballerina themed party, snap a picture of your very little darlings wearing pink tutus, or welcome guests to some tea party by creating a postcard featuring your daughters wearing vintage outfits.

Wrap your sons in superhero capes, or sit them in large resource containers. Encompass them with their favourite toys, seize them kissing the family pet, or just consider a candid photo and gown it up with some fancy clipart. And, when you are involved with regard to the individuality or are doing the job with contrasting themes, develop a two-sided invitation, gown your twins in different shades, or design and style a scene exactly where the prince is rescuing the princess or perhaps the Bob the Builder is building repairs on Dora?s home. No matter whether or not you end up picking to acquire your invites observe a theme, why acquire generic options if you can exhibit the celebs of your indicate? There are actually a lot of excellent baby photo contest that do the job for twins. If you want something swift and straightforward, simply go together with a pink or blue theme, or each if your twins are not the exact same gender. Babies like dazzling shades so you seriously don?t need to commit loads of time and cash on fancy decorations each time a several balloons and streamers will do the job just very good. For further influence, make sure anything, from your meals into the outfits into the tableware, suits your shade scheme.

Source: http://www.griffingalleryfineartllc.com/indispensable-details-for-first-birthday-party-ideas-straightforward-guidelines/

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US troops tread carefully amid Korea tensions (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Lt. Col. Edward Taylor stands behind a wall of sandbags overlooking the North Korean landscape and a bank of trees along the most fortified border in the world. The trees obstruct the view, he explains. They need to come down.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/nkorea/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120302/ap_on_re_as/as_skorea_staring_down_pyongyang

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Friday, March 2, 2012

When my eyes serve my stomach

When my eyes serve my stomach [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Mar-2012
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Contact: Lucy Hyde
Association for Psychological Science

Our senses aren't just delivering a strict view of what's going on in the world; they're affected by what's going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who've just eaten. The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that this change in vision happens at the earliest, perceptual stages, before higher parts of the brain have a chance to change the messages coming from the eyes.

Psychologists have known for decades that what's going on inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Rmi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, wanted to investigate how this happenswhether it's right away, as the brain receives signals from the eyes, or a little later, as the brain's higher-level thinking processes get involved.

Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten.

For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about 1/300th of a second each, at a size that was just at the threshold of what that person could consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word, the person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they'd seena food-related word like gateau (cake) or a neutral word like bateau (boat). Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it.

Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen, this means that the difference is in perception, Radel saysit's not because of some kind of processing happening in the brain after you've already figured out what you're looking at.

"This is something great to me, that humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for, to know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs," Radel says. "There is something inside us that selects information in the world to make life easier."


For more information about this study, please contact: Rmi Radel at remi.radel@gmail.com.

The APS journal Psychological Science is the highest ranked empirical journal in psychology. For a copy of the article "Evidence of Motivational Influences in Early Visual Perception: Hunger Modulates Conscious Access" and access to other Psychological Science research findings, please contact Lucy Hyde at 202-293-9300 or lhyde@psychologicalscience.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

When my eyes serve my stomach [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Mar-2012
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Contact: Lucy Hyde
Association for Psychological Science

Our senses aren't just delivering a strict view of what's going on in the world; they're affected by what's going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who've just eaten. The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that this change in vision happens at the earliest, perceptual stages, before higher parts of the brain have a chance to change the messages coming from the eyes.

Psychologists have known for decades that what's going on inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Rmi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, wanted to investigate how this happenswhether it's right away, as the brain receives signals from the eyes, or a little later, as the brain's higher-level thinking processes get involved.

Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten.

For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about 1/300th of a second each, at a size that was just at the threshold of what that person could consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word, the person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they'd seena food-related word like gateau (cake) or a neutral word like bateau (boat). Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it.

Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen, this means that the difference is in perception, Radel saysit's not because of some kind of processing happening in the brain after you've already figured out what you're looking at.

"This is something great to me, that humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for, to know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs," Radel says. "There is something inside us that selects information in the world to make life easier."


For more information about this study, please contact: Rmi Radel at remi.radel@gmail.com.

The APS journal Psychological Science is the highest ranked empirical journal in psychology. For a copy of the article "Evidence of Motivational Influences in Early Visual Perception: Hunger Modulates Conscious Access" and access to other Psychological Science research findings, please contact Lucy Hyde at 202-293-9300 or lhyde@psychologicalscience.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-03/afps-wme030212.php

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Engadget HD Podcast 288 - 02.28.2012

Despite the flood of phone and tablet news coming in from Mobile World Congress we have found a few HD related tidbits for this week's podcast. Thanks to Comcast, TiVo and Moxi there's plenty going on in streaming and DVR news, while Google Fiber is preparing its entry in Kansas City. Netflix fans should definitely pay attention, as there's only a few hours left until Starz Play titles are gone for good. We've also got a review of the Hauppauge Broadway, listen in to see how it compares to the SlingBox competition.

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Hosts: Ben Drawbaugh (@bjdraw), Richard Lawler (@rjcc)

Producer: Trent Wolbe

00:17:44 - Comcast to launch Xfinity Streampix streaming video service, challenge Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon
00:24:01 - Starz Play movies disappear from Netflix streaming this week
00:25:36 - Samsung Galaxy Beam hands-on at MWC 2012
00:28:52 - Lumigon's T2 smartphone wants to control your TV, obey your commands
00:30:00 - Lumigon T2 hands-on at MWC 2012 (video)
00:31:40 - Google, Microsoft and Netflix want DRM-like encryption in HTML5
00:34:35 - Hauppauge Broadway review
00:39:15 - TiVo releases Q4 results, announces transcoder and IP set-top box on the way
00:46:35 - TiVo software coming to Pace set-top boxes
00:53:41 - Moxi whole-home six tuner DVR on its way to WOW! customers
00:56:44 - Google Fiber just got better? Big G asks for permission to provide video service to Kansas City
01:09:08 - Must See HDTV (February 27th - March 4th)

Hear the podcast


Engadget HD Podcast 288 - 02.28.2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Feb 2012 21:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/02/28/engadget-hd-podcast-288-02-28-2012/

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homeopathic Remedies and Holistic Definitions of Alternative ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Consumers are also not informed of holistic health and fitness. In a number of regular medicines, sufferers are afflicted with unwanted effects as well as the medication is more of the momentary treatment of a certain illness.

Source: http://articlethecw.info/homeopathic-remedies-and-holistic-definitions-of-alternative-medicine/

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Prosecutor: Ohio shooting suspect is 'not well' (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - The Ohio teenager accused of killing three students in a shooting rampage in a high school cafeteria chose his victims at random and is "someone who's not well," a prosecutor said Tuesday as the slightly built young man appeared in juvenile court.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/education/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120229/ap_on_re_us/us_school_shooting_ohio

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Considerations to Identify the Best Online Dating Site Dating ...

It can be tough going out on a first date. Here are a few best online dating site criteria that you can put to use. You know you?re supposed to be expressive, fun and ?in the moment?, but you also hear a lot about how you need to be a good listener and appear kind of dignified and cool. You know you are supposed to be friendly, but you shouldn?t be too friendly. You need to say enough interesting things but not say anything controversial. What do you do? Well, these online dating site tips should help. You?re trying to find someone who is compatible as a romantic match for the long term. So basically, you don?t want to try too hard to be ?that perfect person?. You just want to be who you are and find someone who?s okay with that.

Tags: Best Online Dating, best online dating criteria, Online Dating, online dating site, online dating site criteria

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Source: http://www.datingrelationshipslove.com/articles/dating/considerations-to-identify-the-best-online-dating-site/

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Pinterest: The Last Article You'll Ever Need or Want to Read [Video]

Goddammit if we haven't heard too much about Pinterest—the word itself is irksome. But for many, that annoyance is doubled by the fact that we don't even really know what it is. So, let's figure that out. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/4d_4gXCH1kg/pinterest-the-last-article-youll-ever-need-or-want-to-read

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Rapid-fire attacks across Iraq kill 50 people

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials say a string of morning attacks across Baghdad has killed and injured dozens of Iraqis. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials say a string of morning attacks across Baghdad has killed and injured dozens of Iraqis. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Ahmed Ali inspects his destroyed car after a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials said a string of morning attacks across Baghdad killed and injured dozens of people. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

People inspect the scene of a car bomb explosion in Karradah in downtown Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials said a string of morning attacks across Baghdad killed and injured dozens of people. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Karradah in downtown Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. A swift series of bombings and shootings killed dozens of people across the Iraqi capital early Thursday in attacks that mostly appeared to target police, officials said. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

(AP) ? A rapid series of attacks spread over a wide swath of Iraqi territory killed at least 50 people on Thursday, targeting mostly security forces in what appeared to be a vicious strike by al-Qaida militants bent on destabilizing the country.

The apparently coordinated bombings and shootings unfolded over four hours in the capital Baghdad ? where most of the deaths occurred ? and 11 other cities. They struck government offices, restaurants and one in the town of Musayyib hit close to a primary school. At least 225 people were wounded.

"What is happening today are not simple security violations ? it is a huge security failure and disaster," said Ahmed al-Tamimi, who was working at an Education Ministry office a block away from a restaurant that was bombed in the Shiite neighborhood of Kazimiyah in northern Baghdad. He described a hellish scene of human flesh and pools of blood at the restaurant.

"We want to know: What were the thousands of policemen and soldiers in Baghdad doing today while the terrorists were roaming the city and spreading violence?" al-Tamimi said.

It was the latest of a series of large-scale attacks that insurgents have launched every few weeks since the last U.S. troops left Iraq in mid-December at the end of a nearly nine-year war.

The ongoing nature of the violence and the fact that insurgents are able to operate over a wide swath of Iraq to carry out a variety of attacks shows the country is still deeply unstable, despite government assurances it could protect itself when American troops left in December.

The violence points to a dangerous gap in the abilities of the Iraqi security forces that had particularly worried the departing U.S. military: their ability to gather intelligence on insurgent groups and stop them before they launch such deadly attacks. Gathering information on militants and their networks was a key area in which the U.S. military helped their Iraqi counterparts.

Shortly after the withdrawal, a major political crisis with sectarian undertones erupted as well when Shiite-dominated authorities sought to arrest Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on allegations he commandeered death squads targeting security forces and government officials.

While no group immediately claimed responsibility for the latest attacks, targeting security officials is a hallmark of Al-Qaida in Iraq. Such attacks achieve two goals: undermining the public's confidence in the ability of their policemen and soldiers to protect everyday citizens and discourage people from joining or helping the security forces.

Al-Qaida claimed responsibility for a similar strike on Jan. 5 that killed 78 people and mostly targeted Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad, in what was the worst day of violence to shake Iraq in months.

Two government spokesmen declined immediate comment.

A senior Iraqi defense intelligence official said Thursday's attacks appeared to have been planned for at least one month. He predicted they aimed to frighten diplomats from attending the Arab League's annual summit that is scheduled to be held in Baghdad in late March.

Similar fears were part of the reason the League meeting was canceled in Baghdad last year. The defense official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

Nationwide, security forces appeared to be targeted in at least 14 separate attacks, including a drive-by shooting in Baghdad that killed six policemen at a checkpoint before dawn. Police patrols in the capital and beyond also were besieged by roadside bombs and, in once case, a suicide bomber who blew up his car outside a police station in the city of Baqouba, 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Baghdad.

Iraq's police are generally considered to be the weakest element of the country's security forces, and 20 were killed earlier this week by a suicide bomber outside the Baghdad police academy that angry residents blamed on political feuding that is roiling Iraq.

But the latest violence spilled onto commuters, restaurant patrons, passers-by and school children as well.

In the single deadliest strike, a car bomb in Baghdad's downtown shopping district of Karradah killed nine people and wounded 26. The blast effects could be felt blocks away, shaking buildings and windows. Associated Press TV footage of the scene showed people walking away from the scene, covered in blood.

In Musayyib, a car bomb parked on the street between a restaurant and an elementary school killed one person and wounded 62. Most of the injured were school children, said police and health officials.

The casualties were tallied by local security and hospital officials in the cities where the attacks occurred. Nearly all spoke on condition of anonymity.

Late Wednesday, Iraq's Interior Ministry announced the capture of Waleed Khalid Ali, accused as a top leader of the Ansar al-Sunna insurgent group linked to al-Qaida. The government said Ali was caught trying to enter Iraq from Syria, where al-Qaida groups recently have been surging to assist opposition forces seeking the overthrow of President Bashar Assad.

But the coordinated nature of Thursday's attacks show they likely were planned long before Ali's arrest. A Western diplomatic security official said recent intelligence indicated that an unspecified attack was in the works. The official could not be identified in line with government regulations.

Widespread violence has decreased since just a few years ago when Iraq teetered on the brink of civil war. But bombings and deadly shootings still happen almost daily.


Associated Press Writers Lara Jakes and Sinan Salaheddin contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-02-23-ML-Iraq/id-5475b5b742f04a1bb17e0b89c268c4d7

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Survey reveals increased investments in business continuity ...

Organisations in the Middle East are increasingly looking to improve their disaster recovery capabilities, according to the Second Middle East Business Continuity Survey. Nearly 25% of the respondents plan to use an external data centre service provider for production/DR site, while 57% aim to implement a DR solution between the production site and DR site. Meanwhile, over 39% of the survey participants said that their need for DR seats is likely to emerge within the next two years.

The key outcomes were unveiled by eHosting DataFort (eHDF), a regional ?managed IT services provider and a member of TECOM investments, which initiated the study in conjunction with UAE-based BCM consultancy Continuity and Resilience.

Conducted across nine Middle East countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, the report covered various industry verticals such as financial services (37%), IT/Telecom (16%) and government (10%).

The study measures the levels of BCM maturity and trends along with the importance of implementing BCM for driving operational efficiency within organisations in the Middle East. ?eHosting DataFort aims to leverage the outcomes of the survey to identify improvement areas and facilitate the effective implementation of disaster recovery (DR) solutions in the region.

According to the survey, 16% of the respondents reported at least one significant business disruption during the last year, citing hardware/software failures, power failure, application infrastructure failure and site outages as the top four reasons.

The survey respondents also indicated that IT infrastructure for disaster recovery, as well as training, awareness building, software and licenses are the key investment areas for the implementation of BCM. These investments could, however, be reduced by working with a third-party IT service provider to gain access to world-class data centres, state-of-the-art infrastructure and high-quality managed operations.

The report found that close to 21% of the organisations have had a robust BCM programme in place for the past three years, while 14% have started maintaining and exercising their BC plan. The rest (65 per cent) of the organisations either have no concrete plans to initiate a BCM programme or are still at different stages of implementation in the BCM lifecycle.

Out of the respondents that are still in different phases of the BCM lifecycle, around 50 per cent conduct IT-DR drills. This outcome underscores the fact that some organisations are implementing IT-DR without necessarily adopting a holistic BCM program.

The survey further revealed that 57% of respondents rated their organisation?s BCM readiness as average or below average, 51% assessed their organisation?s IT DR readiness as average or below average, while 54% of respondents rated their organisation?s crisis management readiness as average or below average. In addition, the report also found that 65% of the respondents were not very sure of the overall reliability of their current IT backup and recovery systems and procedures.

(L-R) Shahram Ghaem Maralani, Manager for Middle East, East Africa & Caspian Countries, DNV Business Assurance; Yasser Zeineldin, CEO of eHosting DataFort; and Dhiraj Lal, Executive Director for Continuity and Resilience at the Second Middle East Business Continuity Management (BCM) survey report launch.

Interestingly, some industries indicated higher levels of maturity than others. For example, only one-third of the respondents outside the financial services sector felt that they have high levels of IT-DR readiness as compared to 72% of the respondents within the financial services sector.

Yasser Zeineldin, CEO at eHosting DataFort, said: ?Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery have gained significant interest in the region as organisations prioritise the need for data protection and long term viability, commitment to good corporate governance and adherence to overseas regulations. The awareness and need for both BCM and DR has definitely increased in the minds of senior management. However, the maturity of BCM and DR readiness still needs to improve and the report indicates that companies are inclined to seek the expertise of service providers for this purpose.

Dhiraj Lal, Executive Director at Continuity and Resilience, said: ?The survey has revealed that BCM readiness in the region needs improvement and a number of organisations in the Middle East are, therefore, investing in business continuity solutions and working towards achieving certifications such as BS25999. The region is expected to catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to BCM investments and this is being driven by the need to minimise customer disruptions in the eventuality of a disaster.?


Source: http://www.smeadvisor.com/2012/02/survey-reveals-increased-investments-in-business-continuity-management/

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2012 Small Business PC Academy Award Nominations

The nominations have been announced, the red carpet is ready to be rolled out, and the film industry is prepping for their biggest night of the year. With the biggest night of movie awards this weekend, we thought it might be fun to look at star PCs, recommended for small businesses with Windows 7 Professional, that could also be good fits for the characters in the Best Picture nominated films. Like the movies, these nine PCs all deserve the award for style and function.




The Lenovo IdeaPad U300s offers users a zippy, polished and painless experience with a timeless look. This PC would fit seamlessly into the lives of the characters of ?The Artist?, where two Hollywood stars, silent movie star George Valentin and Peppy Miller a young, up and coming dancer, take a fancy in one another circa 1927. With a long battery life and a fast boot up time, this PC would be the perfect companion while the two balance careers and a new love.




The ASUS Zenbook is an attractive, comfortable PC that has a warmth and natural appeal. This PC would be a great machine for ?The Descendants,? a family who is struck by an unforeseeable tragedy, bringing a father and his daughters closer together as they unravel some hidden secrets of his wife and their mother. The island hopping trio can rely on this PC with its great audio, high-resolution screen and long battery life.




The Acer Aspire S3 is speedy, powerful, ultra-light, and smart with multitasking capabilities and low power consumption! This PC is a perfect companion for the nine-year-old boy in ?Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close? as he goes on a journey to solve a family mystery after discovering a hidden key left behind by his father. This PC would be great during his exhaustive search for the matching lock as it combines SSD and a spinning hard drive, which allow for larger storage capabilities without compromising speed.




The Samsung Series 7 Slate gives users a portable and light weight version of a PC, while delivering Fast Start technology to ensure increased productivity. This tablet is an excellent match for the young aspiring writer in ?The Help? who is compiling stories from maids in the 1960s about the families they serve. For the characters that are fighting for civil rights and writing their stories quietly into the wee hours, this tablet offers an expansive display and active digitizer pen that would allow any writer to capture quick notes, while also being easy to throw in a bag and go.




The shiny, glasslike designed HP ENVY 14 Spectre has a tough black, scratch resistance Gorilla Glass lid and offers a long battery life. This PC is the perfect machine for the orphan in ?Hugo? who lives in the walls of a Parisian train station and gets involved in a mystery involving his father and a robot. This PC would allow him to capture quick notes at any time and has a comfortable, backlit keyboard ? and on top of that it can also detect proximity, diming itself as a power saving method that allows for quick shut down while travelling.




The Sony VAIO S Series is an attractive and stylish PC with comfortable keyboard spacing, and strong wireless range. This PC is the perfect match for a world traveler like Gil in ?Midnight in Paris? where a trip to the romantic city of Paris turns into one he will never forget, magically coming to life with the great writers and artists of the past. This PC is an ideal companion to take on his late night excursions as it has a light and thin frame and a seven hour battery life, so he won?t be concerned about losing material as he tackles his novel in real time.




The Samsung Series 9 is an impressively sturdy, pressure resistant and supremely thin PC. This machine would fit flawlessly into the life of ?Moneyball? leading character Billy Beane, the Oakland A?s general manager, as he builds a baseball team from the ground up by using a computer-generated formula to successfully develop a winning team with a very small budget. This PC is not only easy to take on the go but also has great performance startup and shutdown speeds, which would be ideal for on-the-go decisions and perfect for the tech-savvy manager as he tirelessly puts his team together.




The Dell Vostro V131, with its durable exterior, excellent battery life and slightly sculpted backlit keyboard gives users an optimal comfort experience. For the eldest boy in ?The Tree of Life,? who is reminiscing on his past and seeking reconciliation with his father, this PC would be an idyllic companion for his hours of reflection. And with the multiple-program multitasking and video editing capabilities, this PC would allow him to accurately capture his new discoveries to the meaning of life.




The Toshiba Portege Z835 features a skinny, featherweight frame and durable outer layer resistant to scratches and fingerprints, making it perfect for an adventure like ?War Horse?. In this movie, Albert enlists in the service during WWI and goes on an expedition across Europe in search of his horse, Joey, who was sold to the cavalry. As Albert looks for Joey, the 8-hour battery and keyboard backlighting would be ideal for Albert to work on his laptop regardless of where he is on his excursion.

As you can see there really is a PC for everyone and every movie. Similarly, small businesses will find that they truly do get an award winning combination with Windows 7 Professional?s maximum productivity, increased mobility and security. To learn more about how Windows 7 Professional can help your small business, visit http://www.microsoft.com/windows/business/.

As always, I love hearing from you, so please let me know your vote for your favorite PC and this year?s Best Picture!

Tags: IdeaPad, Lenovo, PC, Toshiba, Sony VAIO, HP ENVY, Samsung 9 Series, Dell Vostro v131, Samsung Series 7, toshiba protege, Asus Zenbook, academy awards, Acer Aspire 3, awards

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/windowsexperience/archive/2012/02/22/2012-small-business-pc-academy-award-nominations.aspx

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