Monday, March 5, 2012

Internet Marketing For Online Businesses ? 4 Free Powerful ...

Internet marketing for online businesses comprises a wide variety of marketing methods, strategies and techniques that you can use to brand, market and sell your products or services. Marketing online is not easy however, it is so simple to learn. I personally am a great fan off all the free marketing methods which are extremely powerful, effective and residual. Why? Because whatever it is that you post online to market your online business, it will remain on the internet for as long as is exists, which is probably forever. Let me share with you some free methods that I use as well that are driving truckloads of visitors to my website.

Internet Marketing For Online Businesses ? 4 Free Powerful Marketing Methods

1. Video MarketingInternet Marketing for online businesses begins with video marketing. An extremely powerful marketing method which can drive a ton of (targeted) traffic to your website within just a few days.

Google, as well as people, absolutely love videos. The concept is simple. Find some hot blazing keywords relating to your business and produce a video about it. Keep the video short and informative. A good video is approximately 3-4 minutes. Use the keyword phrase for the title of your video and upload it to a bunch of video websites like YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe etc?. In the description box you want to include the keyword phrase and a link back to your website or blog. The same keywords or phrase should also be in the tags line, plus a few others that are related to the subject.


2. Article Marketing

Marketing you internet businesses online by means of writing and posting articles is another effective method to promote your products or services. Just like with the videos, find some good business related keywords or phrases and write an article about it, just like I am doing now. Make sure to include the keywords and phrases a couple of times and at the end of your article include a link back to your website. Once you are satisfied with your article you can post it to article websites. I personally use EzineArticles, simply because they are the largest article site and Google indexes EzineArticles every 24 hours. Internet marketing for online businesses through article marketing will seriously boost the number of people visiting your website, provided you have effectively used the keywords and/or phrase.

3. Blogging

I don?t know why it is that people are saying: ?Blogging is a thing of the past?. This is far from the truth! Blogging can be extremely powerful and is a great marketing method to narrow down your niche and attract followers. Start a blog about your business or something related to the products or services that you are offering. Post things that are informative and interesting to your audience. Another good idea is to engage into other peoples blogs and mingle with other visitors to share knowledge and information. Start following other bloggers.

4. Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are growing at the speed of light. Internet marketing for online businesses through social media should be dealt with in a delicate manner. Remember, it is social media so never ever market your business directly on these sites. Find like minded people by posting information that is helpful, useful or funny. You could post a link to a video you made or an article that you wrote. What also helps a great deal is to create some business pages on Facebook. (A module within FB, developed especially for the promotion of products, services or causes).

The above described marketing methods for online businesses are absolutely free. The objective of article marketing and video marketing is to get ranked number one in the search engines. This can be easily achieved if you do your keyword research properly. Don?t just start typing or video-ing away. First, find keywords or phrases with a high Keyword Effectiveness Index and not so much competition. There are several tools on the internet which can do this for you. Wordtracker is in my opinion the best option but you will have to pay a monthly or yearly fee.

Keyword research and analysis is the foundation of all online marketing and when implemented effectively, it will get your stuff number one rankings in the search results. To learn this and all of the other 50 plus marketing methods, click now internet marketing for online businesses, fill out the form and watch the video on the next page to receive all the information you need to become an online success story!

Mike is an Online Marketing Coach and a Corporate Trainer for what is named ?


Now Pay Close Attention ?

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