Sunday, April 28, 2013

Study Links Roundup to Obesity, Cancer, and More | Care2 Healthy ...

A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Entropy indicates that glyphosate?the main ingredient in Monsanto?s Roundup weed killer?may be linked to gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer?s disease.

The study showed that glyphosate inhibits the function of enzymes that are critical to enable the body to properly detoxify. Additionally, it also enhances the damaging effects of other foodborne chemical residues and environmental toxins.

According to the scientists who completed the study, ?The industry asserts (glyphosate) is minimally toxic to humans, but here we argue otherwise.? They indicate that residues of glyphosate are found in foods that people are eating on a regular basis, especially sugar, corn, soy and wheat.

The scientists behind this important study include: Anthony Samsel is a retired science consultant and member of the Union of Concerned Scientists and Stephanie Seneff who is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They add that ?Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.?

Pesticides have been found in many studies to be toxic to the brain and nervous system of humans.

There is no good reason to use glyphosate or other toxic chemicals on lawns, agriculture, or food.? Many of these chemicals used in creating ?picture-perfect? lawns or in agricultural use are seeping into groundwater and the residues find their way into our food supply.? The harm to living organisms appears to outweigh any alleged benefits concocted by corporate marketing departments.

Many scientists and environmentalists have been warning about the dangers of glyphosate to plants, animals and people for many years.

Monsanto is the developer of Roundup herbicide as well as the genetically-modified seeds that have been altered to withstand being sprayed by Roundup.

For more information about toxins linked to cancer, check out Cancer-Proof.

Apple Extract Shows Promise against Cancer
17 Essential Reasons to Eat Organic Food

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Read more: Alzheimer's, Cancer, Colitis, Crohn's & IBS, Conscious Consumer, Diabetes, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Eco-friendly tips, Environment, General Health, Health & Safety, Heart & Vascular Disease, Lawns & Gardens, Michelle Schoffro Cook, Nature & Wildlife, News & Issues, Obesity, Smart Shopping, alzheimer's disease, autism, cancer, corn, depression, diabetes, Dr. Cook, gastrointestinal disorders, GI problems, glyphosate, heart disease, infertility, lose weight, Michelle Schoffro Cook, Monsanto, obesity, overweight, pesticides, roundup, soy, sugar, toxins, weed killer, wheat, World's Healthiest News

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